Diablo 3 rebirth vs new character
Diablo 3 rebirth vs new character

diablo 3 rebirth vs new character

  • Earn yourself in a place on the Seasonal Leaderboard (leaderboard for class, etc.)Īlso, all progress you gain from Seasons will roll over to Normal servers.
  • Unlocking Season-exclusive Achievements.
  • diablo 3 rebirth vs new character

    Gain new cosmetic rewards such as Paragon Portrait, pets, wings, banners, etc.Exclusive transmog (the look of your gear) upon reaching level 70 with a Seasonal Hero (per Season).Your chance at unlocking an additional stash tab (once per Season).Seasons gives players a couple of benefits, namely: Q4: What’s so great about Seasons? Why should I play it? Q3: Is there a Hardcore mode for Seasons? When creating the new character, check the box where it says Seasonal Hero and your character will be available for play during that season. You need to create a new character whenever a Season starts. Q2: What are the requirements to join a Season? You will however not be given additional character slots to participate in Seasons. Artisans are also separate from Normal (they start from level 1).Seasonal stash and storage is separate from Normal (you have nothing in your Seasonal stash).You will have to start from scratch, that means: Seasons is a new game mode introduced to Diablo III that allows you to relive the leveling experience of your character to reap new rewards such as season-only legendaries, special transmogs and other bonuses.

    Diablo 3 rebirth vs new character